A sustainable approach

Corporate responsibility

Waste collection has come a long way over recent decades and recycling levels have increased. However, it is no longer enough for the output of waste collection alone to be sustainable. In the 21st century, the process of waste collection also needs to be sustainable – in every sense.


Unnecessary vehicle miles made to collect half empty bins generate unnecessary carbon emissions and use valuable resource.

Egbert Taylor’s technology platform can be applied to every waste bin or container, delivering real-time visibility across entire bin fleets.

Waste collection no longer needs to be made blind.


Unnecessary vehicle movements and hours spent by collection operatives emptying partially full bins is a waste of resource.

Streamline your waste collection strategy by only collecting bins when they need to be emptied.

Reinvest savings and resource in other frontline services such as tackling street cleansing, flyposting and graffiti removal.

Safety and wellbeing

Unnecessary vehicle movements generate unnecessary risks for residents, pedestrians, workers and road users.

Reduce the number of vehicles on the road and increase the safety of your local communities and employees.

Why Egbert Taylor?

We can significantly reduce carbon emissions attributable to waste collection;

We can reduce the operational cost of waste collection;

We can improve the urban environment by helping you to deliver a cleaner and greener streetscape.